
Connected North in Our Classroom

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We are very fortunate to have a fantastic Connected North School Lead who works with us to find suitable programs related to the subject matter we teach and some that are just for fun! She will approach new and veteran teachers several times a year, asking what they are teaching, and the grade level, and then she will find numerous sessions that will enhance classroom learning. Our education team at Igloolik High School depends on Connected North to deliver interesting and relevant programs targeting the curriculum of every subject, expanding our options as teachers. Memorable Session Another session that I used for the Experiential Science classes was one on biofuels. Prior to participating in the session, I had students look up the terminology used in this area of science, familiarizing themselves with the vocabulary that might be used. Living in a land without trees, it was fascinating for them to realize that fuel could be made from wood. Igloolik is solely dependent on fossil fuels because of its location, isolation, and transportation costs. Fuel arrives once a year by sea lift. At present, there are no renewable energy sources available. Connected North Team My School Lead is the one who suggested my first sessions. In math it can be challenging to find relevant content, but I have had some memorable Connected North Sessions for both grades I have taught. Using math to make toys was a favourite of the students. This session had little prep and only used tape, elastic bands and pencils - easy resources for any school to find. This session not only created an awareness of how math is used in the toy industry, but it also expanded the students' knowledge of joints, articulation, and angles. Many students took the toys they made home to their siblings. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Laurie Schutt - Connected North in Our Classroom 105

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