
#RisingYouth Research Highlights on Lessons Learned

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1360369

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Page 6 of 54

7 Grantees also talked about how their project enabled them to see the potential for change within their communities. For example, " The lessons I learnt was to never doubt your community. Never doubt the power of togetherness, of sharing our stories and our pain, and never doubt the power of giving someone hope and a bit of comfort any way that you know how. " Our Indigenous grantees were more likely to speak of their shared community in respect to Indigenous tradition and culture. Common words in their responses include, "culture", "teach", "elder","proud", and "tradition". These grantees often expressed gratitude for feeling more connected to their own heritage as well as the land on which we all share. Grantees who identified as visible minorities were more likely to speak about the shared community in the context of feeling secure in their communities. Common words amongst these grantees included "safe", "space", "family", "health", and "home". These grantees were likely to express the connectedness and comfort they felt for their community after their project. " The quality of the project does not depend on the number of people present, but rather on the impact of the project on those who participate in it. " THEME 1: THE SHARED COMMUNITY THEME 1: THE SHARED COMMUNITY THEME 1: THE SHARED COMMUNITY

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