A common theme resulting from grantee reflections was related to the community in which
a grantee completed their project. This theme consisted of quotes that talked about the
individual and their relations with their community. Common words our grantees used within
this theme included, "engage", "support", "impact", "connect", "share", and "create".
I learnt that reaching out to your connections is a super
effective way to gain attention and receive support.
As a whole, most grantees talked about the hope and inspiration they felt
from the communities they were serving in. For example,
We learnt more than I can hope to put into words, there are so
many caring people in the world and it's a blessing to be able to work to
make something meaningful for your community. [...] So much is possible
with help, reach out and you will be surprised with what you find.
Theme 1: The Shared Community Theme 1: The Shared Community
Theme 1: The Shared Community
For 2020:
2,108 grants approved
$2,311,500 granted