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P r o j e c t n a m e : Dar Wajd
P r o j e c t d e s c r i p t i o n :
Dar Wajd focuses on the
underprivileged areas
of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Through the development
of a website and other
activities, this project seeks
to provide educational
resources to children who
have been deprived of
an adequate education
because of their
living circumstances
A f n a n
Gh a l im a h &
S a r a h
A l h a r t h y
Youth need to find an issue that
they are passionate about and
be prepared to invest many
hours of their day towards
tackling that issue. You will face
obstacles, but working towards
something that you truly care
about will help you persist.
You must be able to
adapt quickly to changing
circumstances if you wish to be a
successful entrepreneur.
Given that we are not from
these unprivileged areas, one
challenge that we faced was
building trust with the people
of the area. Once we were able
to communicate with them
that what we are doing is for
their own good, we managed
to gain their trust.
We feel extremely motivated
by how hopeful the children,
mothers, and fathers of these
areas are with the service that
we wish to provide them. People
have put so much faith and
hope in our project and we feel
obligated now to commit to what
we started.