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P r o j e c t n a m e :
The Master Library
P r o j e c t d e s c r i p t i o n :
The Master Library engages
people with books, whether
it is by encouraging them
to read, exchanging books,
and/or buying and selling
them. This online library
categorizes all books at
libraries in Oman and
makes the process of
finding any book an
easy process.
M a zin
A l Z a k wa ni
Information and Communication
Technology is the language
of the modern era. Youth
entrepreneurs should learn about
it, understand it, and try to use its
power to their advantage.
Being able to work in
a team effectively as
well as knowing how to
promote one's project
are imperative for seeing
your project grow.
I encourage all aspiring youth
entrepreneurs to identify an
issue in their communities and
to develop a project idea that
addresses that issue.
Those who learned about
my project idea were very
enthusiastic about it and
encouraged me to implement
it as soon as possible. I find that
very motivating.