
Connected North 2024-25 Session Menu

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1526764

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Rob Malo, also known as TiBert, is a Franco-Manitoban Métis storyteller, author, stage performer, juggler, poet, and community builder who shares his passion for history and culture with all ages. A recognized storyteller, Rob gave a masterclass for Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada in 2019 and was Storyteller-in-Residence at the University of Manitoba in 2020. In workshops, participants create original stories using a prompt. Rob also shows how to storyboard stories using simple drawings to add visuals for future projects. Introduction to the Ojibway Language Ron Kanutski This session could easily be booked for a multitude of exciting sessions with a variety of diverse themes or topics. With the firm belief that learning one word a day will make you a basic fluent speaker in a year, Ron has a variety of interactive "in class activities" teachers can utilize for weeks to come. "Show and Tell" is the pathway to learning. Kikinoomoshaam Anishaabemowinaan – Let us Learn Our Ojibway Language. You choose the theme or topic, and Ron will expertly build a session for you. It's a Mystery: How to Write a Whodunit Marty Chan Help your students create a page-turning story using the elements of mystery writing. Marty Chan shares the techniques students can use to brainstorm, develop, and write a mystery. He'll explain the types of characters who appear in a mystery as well as describe how to use the 6 W questions to guide the students to the next steps of their stories. He'll share details about plot twists and red herrings to help student writers keep their readers guessing until the end. Marty Chan also offers Story Starters: How to Tackle Writing Prompts. Create Your Own Stories Rob Malo Literacy ComicMaker is a one-hour workshop facilitated by a professional comic artist! Students will learn the primary elements of a comic (e.g. panels, speech bubbles, characters), basic story structure, and visual communication techniques; then the facilitator will guide them through an interactive activity in which students work alongside the artist to make their very own 3-panel comic. About Story Planet: Story Planet, a Toronto-based charity, delivers fun creative writing and art workshops that help students build creativity and confidence while developing literacy skills. ComicMaker Story Planet 82

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