
Connected North 2024-25 Session Menu

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1526764

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Join Poet Laureate Jillian for an engaging session that explores poetry as a tool for self-awareness, authentic expression, and self-advocacy. Jillian will share 2-3 of her original poems, chosen to suit the student grade and learning objectives. Students will participate in a poetry writing activity followed by a group discussion. Jillian will also share her journey to becoming a writer and poet, touching on the lessons she learned about ego, community, and humility. There will be opportunities for students to ask questions throughout the session. Chyana Marie Sage also offers Building Self Esteem Through Writing, Perfecting the Personal Essay, and more. Poetry & Advocacy Jillian Morris Literacy Wentanoron is Mohawk from Akwesasne and the author of the children's book Bean and Grandma's Weekend. The story captures the bond between a grandmother and her grandson, bridging generations and preserving sacred traditions while looking to the future. Ariana will discuss her creative process, the importance of incorporating Mohawk language to support revitalization, and offer tips for students interested in writing their own children's books. She will also share how her family relationships inspired her storytelling. Bean and Grandma's Weekend Wentanoron Ariana Roundpoint 76 Leslie, a singer/songwriter of Northern Salish, Tuscarora, and Scottish heritage, presents this novel as a great read for Pink Shirt Day. In the session, Leslie will share book readings, perform songs, and lead a discussion on kindness and its opposite, using the novel's examples to illustrate the effects of bullying and racism on the characters, discussing both kind and unkind behaviors. Leslie Gentile also offers Shamus The Urban Rez Dog, P.I. Writing Wesakechak Chyana Marie Sage Chyana Marie Sage is a Cree, Métis, and Salish memoirist, essayist, poet, and screenwriter. She is currently an adjunct Creative Writing professor at Columbia University. Chyana will read different Wesakechak trickster stories to build familiarity with the teachings those stories embody. Students will then create their own Wesakechak story. We will draw on inspiration from our environments, nature, and traditional stories to create an authentic narrative. Elvis, Me and the Lemonade Stand Summer Leslie Gentile

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