
Connected North 2024-25 Session Menu

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The Museum of Ontario Archaeology also offers Introduction to Archaeology, Soils, Rocks & Archaeology, and more. Ocean Networks Canada also offers Hydrothermal Vent Ecosystems, Remotely Operated Vehicle Exploration, and more. Seismic Studies Ocean Networks of Canada Detecting earthquakes is especially crucial on Canada's seismically active west coast. In this program, students actively use Ocean Networks Canada's Earthquake Data Dashboard and hear accounts of the 1700 tsunami in Nuu- chah-nulth territory, including insightful interviews with traditional knowledge holders. The presentation includes engaging interactive checks for understanding and real- time feedback. Science & Environmental Studies The Raven's Riddles Canadian Museum of Nature There's a mystery afoot—and we need some good eggs to "crack" this case! Students explore evidence relating to the body parts and behaviours of birds. They investigate footprints, feathers, food scraps, and audio recordings to track down the culprit. As students observe and compare different physical features of birds, they learn about amazing adaptations that help birds to meet their needs and to survive across diverse habitats. 66 The Museum of Nature also offers Coastal Adventures and Exploring Rocks & Minerals. Join us for an interactive science show where your class will explore air pressure and atmospheric science through engaging demonstrations and tailored explanations. Students will learn about the importance of air pressure, cloud formation, tornado conditions, and the causes of drought. Demonstrations include: teabag rocket, cream expansion, cloud in a bottle, laser sights, and more! Weather and Pressure Fizzics Education Fizzics Education also offers Heat and Cold: The Science of Heat, the Science of Sound, and more. Archaeology of a Longhouse Museum of Ontario Archaeology This program focuses on Indigenous longhouses, teaching students how they were built and used, and how archaeologists study their remains. By the end, students will understand the resources and layout of pre-1600 C.E. Indigenous villages, identify forces acting on structures like longhouses, and plot archaeological remains on a map. The live session includes an artifact exploration where students guess the use of historical artifacts.

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