
Connected North 2024-25 Session Menu

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1526764

Contents of this Issue


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4 3 Session Confirmation Your School Lead will confirm the booking and you will receive a calendar invitation. Session Delivery & Feedback Students participate in the live session and you are invited to share feedback. On the date and time of your session, connect to the virtual meeting space. A Connected North host will be there to greet you and introduce the activity, as well as support any technical needs. Teachers remain present to support active engagement. After the session, you will receive an email asking you to rate the session and provide comments in the Connected North platform. Book in advance! Many providers' schedules fill up quickly. A minimum of three weeks lead time is recommended. Your School Lead will confirm the session's date, time, and send any required connection details. If supplies are required for your session, they will be shipped at this time. You will also receive any handouts or other electronic materials required a minimum of three days before the session. Confirmed sessions are listed in the "My Sessions" tab. TIP: Additional information about materials and the supplies required are displayed in the session listing. You can also download resource sheets directly from the listing in the platform. C O N N E C T E D N O R T H 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 S E S S I O N M E N U 15

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