
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Amber Allison Introduction C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Takhini Elementary School Whitehorse, Yukon If you could learn about northern animal habitats from a zoo in the north, why wouldn't you? If you could explore life as an astronaut in space from a NASA specialist, why wouldn't you? If you could learn art techniques from artists around the world, why wouldn't you? Living in the Yukon, students are isolated from so many opportunities that are often available to school-aged kids in larger metropolitan areas. Additionally, the financial toll that travel outside the territory takes on families is significant, which results in many students never experiencing life outside the Yukon. Connected North offers isolated students the chance to 'even the playing field', and as an educator, I couldn't be more grateful. These are just a few reasons why Connected North has become an integral component of my teaching practice. When I share why Connected North is so important to me, my explanation usually starts with "my specialty is my students, others' specialties are the skills and knowledge I want them to acquire." When students can learn from masters of their craft, the value of the learning experience is increased tremendously. Amber Allison - Connected North in Our Classroom 8

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