
Connected North in Our Classroom

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1522644

Contents of this Issue


Page 76 of 112

Help the students know what the goal of today is going to be before you start. Otherwise, it can seem disconnected from what they're learning, and they won't necessarily be able to deduce what the point of the session is supposed to be on their own. "We're meeting this artist today to have you understand how colour can be used in your art – we're going to be looking at how Van Gogh used colour to express emotion and ideas." Help the students be direct and focused by starting the session with a goal. Taking time to debrief with the students is key. It can be easy for kids to nod off if they're staring at a screen for an hour. Even the most engaging speaker on live video conferencing can lose the kids. It's important that throughout the sessions the students are reengaged. Take time every five to ten minutes to debrief – make a quick note together of the main idea, summarize what they've learned together, or add ideas to a mind map that you will use after the session. Just the act of moving and doing something different can help students reconnect. Start slow. It can be tempting to book a lot of sessions right away. This is not the way to go; kids need to become familiar with the format, the way they would with new computer software, or a new literacy program. Start off with one session and learn how the students do and how they respond. Then add more. You have to give yourself enough time for materials to arrive. One of the great things about Connected North is the support it provides with materials to make sessions happen. We've beaded poppies, sewed scarves, built robots, and done a huge variety of art projects. All of this was supported with materials from Connected North. It's important to plan far enough in advance so that your lead can get things up to you in time – I've learned this the hard way! C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Katarina Gram - Connected North in Our Classroom 76

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