
Connected North in Our Classroom

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1522644

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Using Connected North The Connected North website design makes finding and choosing sessions extremely simple. When selecting, I use the search parameters to find sessions that correlate to the grades and courses I'm teaching and look for those that best complement my units. I also try to find sessions that align with student interests. I highly recommend booking sessions early to allow plenty of time to deliver materials and to ensure you can organize the providers you are most interested in to suit your timeline. At the same time, be flexible and understand that providers may be in different provinces/territories or time zones than you. Any sessions that involve using materials for hands-on learning will require a little time to set up. All of the sessions I booked for my grade 8 and 9 textile classes required some setup in advance. These included soapstone carving, making sealskin earrings, engaging in beading activities, sewing Inuit hanging art, and making dream catchers. Preparing students in advance by informing them there will be a session allows them to make sure they are on time for their class (high school) and be prepared to participate actively. For sessions involving students developing new skills, such as beading or sewing, I constantly moved around the room, supporting students with the activity. Although part of the idea behind the sessions is for instructors to teach new skills, in hindsight, I wish I'd taught the required skill in advance. Providing this instruction would make students feel less frustrated and more engaged with the activity, especially when working with younger students. In the future, I will teach students how to bead and then provide a session where they use this skill to create something rather than trying to develop the skill and becoming frustrated that they aren't able to create. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Jennifer Hafenbrack- Connected North in Our Classroom 64

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