
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Ailen White Ermineskin Elementary School Ermineskin, Alberta Introduction Memorable Moment I sometimes joke with my students that I became a grade 6 teacher at Ermineskin Elementary School (EES) just so I could book a Connected North session offered with Canadian astrophysicist Laurie Rousseau-Nepton, a resident astronomer at the Canada-France-Hawaii Observatory in 2022. My name is Ailen White. I've been teaching at EES for three years, and I love astronomy. I still remember rubbing my hands with glee as the link went live for that session. My students knew how excited I was. My starstruck state quickly spread to them as Rousseau-Nepton's compelling animations and storytelling transported us from our rural Alberta reserve at Maskwacis to the edges of our solar system. The kids were hooked! They peppered Rousseau-Nepton with their questions that ranged from what it was like for her to grow up on a reserve to the coolest thing she'd ever observed through the telescope. I recall one of the trickiest students in the class that year prompting me to ask all of my questions too: "Ms. White! When will you ever get a chance like this again?" they whispered since they knew I was trying to restrain myself, "Ask your questions while you can!" I was flooded with joy for that unique learning experience for the students that day and in absolute awe of the exceptionally special opportunity we shared because of Connected North. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Ailen White - Connected North in Our Classroom 46

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