
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Page 34 of 112

When selecting the first session through the Connected North program, I considered several factors, including student interest, connections to outdoor learning, something that could be shared with families, and the opportunity to kick- start the school year with a memorable experience. Opting for "Reclaiming Our Stories: Identity and Connection" with Lisa Dumas worked well because it fit with outdoor learning and storytelling. Lisa's ability to strike a balance between sharing her insights and engaging our students in interactive activities made the session very successful. Students collected a stick from our forest school and worked with Lisa to identify key moments in their life stories. Students then shared these moments of significance with their families during the start of the year conferences. The session encouraged a creative way for students to share their passions and goals with their families. As the school year progressed, I approached the types of sessions I booked so they aligned with our Southern Tutchone seasonal calendar, ongoing school activities, units of study, and student interests. I encourage teachers to involve students in the selection process, ensuring sessions resonate with their passions and connect to the big ideas in the curriculum. Reflecting on past sessions and gathering feedback from students has helped refine our session choices, with an emphasis on incorporating art, hobbies, and topics that may not be readily available within our school or community. Through these sessions, students have honed their growth mindset, formed new skills, gained more knowledge, and learned to embrace new challenges and persevere. They've also been encouraged to pursue their passions, as experts in various fields share their knowledge and experiences, sometimes sparking newfound interests. Furthermore, the community-minded nature of Connected North sessions has promoted values of sharing, respect, and active listening among students, fostering a sense of belonging and collaboration in our class community. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Nicole Birkeland - Connected North in Our Classroom 34

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