
Connected North in Our Classroom

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1522644

Contents of this Issue


Page 27 of 112

Preparing for a Session When we have a Connected North session coming up, I do my best to let the students know when it is and what it is about, even I find that this helps the students be better leaders during the sessions not only for one another but also for the school community. If it is a session that requires physical materials, we do our best to get the materials ready ahead of time, and I will use students to help with this wherever I can. If all participants are to have paper, a rubber band, and a cup, I will have leaders hand those things out to each student as they come into the room. When I am preparing the students for the sessions, I will also ask them what they know about the subject, what they think some questions are that they would like to know more about, what they think the presenter will talk about, and what they are most interested to learn during the presentation. Memorable Sessions In reflecting on the more memorable sessions we have partaken in, the knowledge areas developed were around the NASA space program and its astronaut requirements (thank you, Commander Pete!). It was interesting to watch the students talk about space differently and then even look up at the sky and make comments about some of the things they had learned. This understanding that there was a lot to the world and universe we live in that they were not aware of was a valuable learning moment for the entire student body. Each may have left remembering different whole pieces of information, and they all took the parts and applied them to their previous and now evolved knowledge base. My goal is always to develop the whole person and graduate truly global citizens. These Connected North sessions went a long way in doing that. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Cody Prusky - Connected North in Our Classroom 27

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