
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Lisa Schellenberger Inuksuk High School Iqaluit, Nunavut I will start with a question: Have you ever been stuck on a lesson plan, and thought, how amazing would it be to connect my students to an expert on this topic. As an educator in a rural or remote Northern community, it can be very challenging to plan the logistics of getting a guest speaker to join you in your classroom. Connected North has opened the doors and made access to experts, career exploration, and global perspectives possible in our classrooms, and in our communities. My name is Lisa Schellenberger, and I am an educator at Inuksuk High School (IHS) in Iqaluit, Nunavut. I have been an educator at IHS for 7.5 years, and as a newer teacher, have found Connected North to be an amazing addition to facilitate my lessons. I have taught Social Studies, Health, Aulajaaqtut, Food Studies, and am currently a guidance counsellor. Connected North has enabled educators in Northern communities to bring guest speakers with diverse backgrounds into our classrooms, to share valuable insights, knowledge, and enriching learning experiences beyond what may be possible for us in our communities. Connected North has enabled educators in Northern communities to bring guest speakers, with diverse backgrounds into our classrooms, to share valuable insights, knowledge, and enriching learning experiences beyond what may be possible for us in our communities. Further, our students have been able to connect with role models in different career pathways, industries, and have been encouraged to become active participants in their local communities through the Connected North programming. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Lisa Schellenberger - Connected North in Our Classroom 79

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