
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Memorable Moments As a side piece of advice, always be sure to take the necessary steps beforehand to ensure smooth facilitation of Connected North sessions. Ensure all technical equipment, including the Internet connection and video conferencing software, is working properly to minimize disruptions during the session. Although generating excitement and anticipation for sessions is important, I did not have to do that for Priscilla's soapstone carving session. We did, however, discuss soapstone carving and its cultural significance beforehand. One memorable session we have had at Ataguttaaluk Elementary School is the soapstone carving with Priscilla Boulay. The session gave students a test of patience and resilience as they encountered challenges in making their carvings. Through Priscilla's helpful guidance, students transformed rough stones into intricate sculptures. I observed some students make comments of the entrepreneurial sort, keenly discussing the potential market value of their creations. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Shankary Oppilamany - Connected North in Our Classroom 56

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