
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Sherry McNear Sioux Mountain Public School Sioux Lookout, Ontario Introduction Memorable Moment Connected North experiences are very unique and I like how we can connect to experts across the continent to learn interesting details through their eyes. It is nice to have different guest teachers sharing the presentation of our curriculum in different ways with a unique knowledge base. Often they share real- life animals, aquatic life, museum artefacts, art, music, singing, or dancing so that it is highly engaging. Sometimes when you're teaching a lesson, it's nice to have extra resources to make it fuller. We have had countless great opportunities to try new skills and learn about different cultures from the comfort of our own classroom. There have been so many memorable sessions. As I reflect on my childhood schooling, I enjoyed square dancing, but I didn't know how to organize that in my class. Thankfully, Connected North had a session on square dancing that we could participate in. These types of memories stand out in my mind, and they will stand out in my student's minds as well. The presenters were very seasoned in their craft and were able to organize us easily and walk us through steps, and before we knew it, we were square dancing. A great time and good memories were created. Some sessions have hands-on art that gets students involved, and they come away with a wonderful piece of art they have made to take home. Students can also bring these experiences home to discuss at the dinner table. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Sherry McNear - Connected North in Our Classroom 38

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