
Connected North in Our Classroom

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1522644

Contents of this Issue


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C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Parke Trann - Connected North in Our Classroom 101 2. Content-Based Learning. What is it about, and what do the students need to be ready for the session? Ultimately, we do not want to learn the content beforehand; however, we need to scaffold the learning so that students are ready to learn. Learning approaches and Learning In-Depth pedagogy works best for my classes. Both approaches work from a single starting point. That question should allow students to diverge and learn about different aspects of the session topic. By allowing students to diverge, each can become an expert in their area. This can create opportunities for collaboration in class and student learning. Students develop better questions for the provider and are more engaged or invested in the session. These approaches will also work well with activities where students can take learning from the session and apply it to their personal inquiry. By planning ahead and integrating sessions into our units, communicating our teaching and learning goals to providers and Connected North liaisons, and planning our own active role in sessions, our learning sessions can be meaningful and promote growth in our students. Assessment Assessment can be done in a variety of ways. Formative assessments of question and answer and summaries are effective for checking for comprehension of content. Reviews and evaluation of sessions can provide us with more critical thinking opportunities for students. Perhaps the most valuable way to assess the students' comprehension, retention, and connection to the sessions they experience is to find examples of session content being integrated into other aspects of lessons, units, or courses. Using critical thinking skills to make connections between texts, media, themselves, and their communities shows higher-order thinking skills that all educators look for in learning.

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