
Create to Learn Unit 2, Lesson 5: Graphic Arts

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Lesson 5: Graphic Arts (Ovila Mailhot) CREATE TO LEARN Lesson 5: Graphic Arts (Ovila Mailhot) Unit 2: Cultural Creations and Business CURRICULUM CONNECTIONS Alberta, Northwest Territories & Nunavut • Grade 11 and Grade 12 Entrepreneurship course • Art 10,20,30 British Columbia & Yukon • Entrepreneurship and Marketing 10 • Media Design 10 • Graphic Production 11 (identical to Entrepreneurship and Marketing 10) • Career Life Education Ontario • Business Studies Grade 9 and 10 • Information and Communication Technology in Business, Grade 9 or 10 • Media Arts Grade 11 and 12 DURATION 1-2 Hours OVERVIEW Through this lesson students will be exposed to various examples of Indigenous graphic designs created by the Indigenous-owned company Vincent Designs. Students will first engage in a Gallery Walk where they will view examples of Indigenous graphic designs created for organizations such as the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, Indspire Awards and more! While viewing the designs, students will learn about the inspiration and meaning of each. Next, students will learn from Indigenous graphic artist Ovila Mailhot where they will be taken through a series of lessons on how to use Photoshop to create graphic designs. Finally, students will read and respond to the article "Considerations and Best Prac- tices in Indigenous design". MATERIALS • "Graphic Design Gallery Walk" Posters • "Considerations and Best Practices in Indigenous Design" Article CREATE TO LEARN ACTIVATE: GALLERY WALK Prior to the beginning of the lesson, print the "Graphic Design Gallery Walk" posters in colour and hang them around the room. Divide students into five groups. Inform them that they will be viewing and learning about Indig- enous graphic designs. The examples from today's lesson were all designed by the company Vincent Design and can be found at: https://vincentdesign.ca Groups should be given 3-4 minutes to view the posters, discussing the elements of the graphic design such as the colour, composition, texture, and impact on viewers; the accompanying brief- ing, approach, and result; along with their personal preferences – do they like the design? Why or why not? Once the time limit is up, groups will rotate to the next poster, until they've had a chance to view all five. Next, inform the group that they will be learning how to create digital designs using Photoshop from Indigenous graphic artist Ovila Mailhot. Lesson Plan

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