
Whose Land Lesson Plan - Professional Learning

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1389665

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Whose Land? www.whose.land Option 2: Participants will create their own personal land acknowledgement. Ask participants what they think should be included in their land acknowledgements based on the example they viewed and the information they learned last workshop. Ideally, their land acknowledgements should include the following information: • The name of the Indigenous nation(s) whose traditional territory they live and work on • How they benefit from this land (hint: we benefit from buildings on the land such as the workplace, schools, houses, hospitals, etc… plus we benefit from the land, water, sky, animals to provide us with live sustaining food, water and materials) • How Indigenous people were negatively affected by residential schools • The legacy of colonization in relation to current issues such as Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls • How they are going to commit personally to the relevant Calls to Action • Plus, anything extra that participants suggested to make this land acknowledgment meaningful and personal. As an example, you might want to prompt participants to think about how they can commit to taking care of the land or how they can honour the treaties, if applicable to your region. Allow participants time to create this meaningful and personal Indigenous land acknowledgment. Have participants volunteer to share their personal land acknowledgements to wrap up the workshop.

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