
Create to Learn Unit 1, Lesson 2: Working with Epoxy Resin to Create Jewellery

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Lesson 2: Working with Epoxy Resin to Create Jewellery (Kyrstin Dumont) CREATE TO LEARN Lesson 2: Working with Epoxy Resin to Create Jewellery (Kyrstin Dumont) Unit 1: Turning Passion into Purpose CURRICULUM CONNECTIONS Alberta, Northwest Territories and Nunavut • Entrepreneurship 11 • Entrepreneurship 12 • Aboriginal Studies 10,20,30 • Knowledge and Employability • Special Projects 10,11,12 British Columbia and Yukon • Art Metal and Jewellery 12 • Career-Life Education • Entrepreneurship and Marketing 10 Ontario • Career Studies • Business Studies 9,10 • Business Studies 11,12 • First Nation, Metis and Inuit Studies 9-12 DURATION 2-3 Hours OVERVIEW Throughout this lesson, students will be exposed to various local and national Indigenous jewellery makers while exploring their mission statements, products, materials, price ranges and advertising. Students will then have the opportunity to create a piece of jewellery while demonstrating the qualities of a successful businessperson including maintaining a positive attitude, setting goals, achieving outcomes and respecting the workspace. As an option, stu- dents may also organize a fundraising event and sell the items they create to raise funds for a cause they are passionate about. MATERIALS • Internet Connection • Jewellery Making Materials: a silicon mat, disposable gloves, plastic tools, unused sili- con molds, plastic measuring cups, large bowl, hot water, epoxy resin, hardener, glitter or dried flowers, nail file, handheld drill, jump ring, bail, E6000 glue, pliers • "Jewellery Making Self-Assessment" Rubric CREATE TO LEARN ACTIVATE: EXPLORING INDIGENOUS JEWELLERY ARTISTS Begin by asking the class if they know of any Indigenous jewellery artists. Make a list on the board. Try to include both local community members and larger businesses. Next, have students conduct internet research to answer the following: 1. Does this person/business have a mission statement? What is it? 2. What types of products do they sell? 3. What kinds of materials do you think they use? 4. What is the price range of their products? 5. What stands out to you about their work? Is the artwork more traditional or modern? 6. What type of advertising do they use? Lesson Plan

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