
Create to Learn Unit 2, Lesson 2: Film Yourself Like a Boss

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Lesson 2: Film Yourself Like a Boss (Patrick Shannon) CREATE TO LEARN Lesson 2: Film Yourself Like a Boss (Patrick Shannon) ACTIVATE: 2 MINUTE STORIES Inform students that they are going to practice telling their life stories in two minutes. The goal of this activity is twofold: get students to think about the important events/aspects that have shaped their lives so far, while allowing them opportunities to become comfortable sharing their stories with others. To begin, share your life story first! Model how to tell someone your life story. You should include your name, where you were born, a bit about your childhood, what inspired you to become a teacher and your goals for the future. Have students turn to a partner and practice telling their life stories for two minutes. Then, have them switch partners until they have told their stories to at least three students. Lesson Plan CURRICULUM CONNECTIONS British Columbia and Yukon • Composition 10 • New Media 10 • Composition 11 • New Media 11 • Composition 12 • English Studies 12 • New Media 12 Alberta, Northwest Territories & Nunavut • English Language Arts 10-1 • English Language Arts 20-1 • English Language Arts 30-1 Ontario • English Grade 10, Academic and Applied • English. Grade 11, University and College Prep • English, Grade 12 University and College Prep DURATION 3-4 Hours OVERVIEW Throughout this lesson, students will practice the art of filming. Students will first film them- selves and then they will have the opportunity to film an interview with a community member and create an original video from start to finish. MATERIALS • Create to Learn textbook, or use the videos online: https://tigurl.org/filmboss • Camera (phone or camera) • "Shot List" handout • "Self-Assessment" handout • "Interview Questions" handout • "Interview Rubric" CREATE TO LEARN Unit 2: Photography, Filming, and Acting

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