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13 Building on the launch of the sixth version (V6) of our site at the end of 2008, we aimed to promote greater site accessibility and integration with various social media resources in 2009. The addition of new content and tools helped make a complete virtual experience, tailored as closely as possible to individual interests and needs. As a result, our online portal underwent some strategic redesign, allowing us to better serve our ever-expanding membership base. We worked constantly to promote projects, ideas and happenings on the website through the monthly Dispatch newsletter, the TakingITGlobal weekly updates and by spotlighting contests centred around raising awareness of the official UN International Days. Online forums and live chat discussions to promote member interactions were also strongly attended. New Members Dec '08 Nov '09 52,054 Total Members as of Nov '09 273,812 Actions Taken 165,480 New Organizations 1,357 Global Gallery Submissions 17,117 TIGweb Statistics Online Communities Our online community is a network of passionate young people who connect and collaborate across cultures to make the world a better place. Through raising awareness of internationally recognized days, our members are able to gain a broad based understanding of the world around them. Our online platform with community-focused programming provides opportunities for our members to learn new skills through skill building webinars, live chats and expert guest speakers. Our issue-based teams consist of culturally diverse members who focus around a specific theme to gather resources and develop campaigns to inform and amplify further action. Members can pursue their interests, express themselves, expand their knowledge and learn how to approach these challenges from different points of view using our online tools to organize real world action. Our members are also able to connect with other young leaders who are taking action to share information, experiences, and best practices to direct the full force of our connected global generation towards empowerment.